Eco Church

What is Eco Church?

Eco Church is a learning community of churches of all shapes and sizes open to all denominations. It provides a framework to support churches and their leadership to take practical action on caring for God’s earth. At St. Michael’s we are focussed on making our Blackheath home an Eco Church, as well as providing all of our community with eco tips for their homes and lives too!

What is Wild Christian?

Are you feeling inspired to take action and live more joyfully and sustainably with God’s Creation? Wild Christian is a programme is for individuals and families who want to enjoy and learn about nature together, take practical action at home and in their local areas, and join with other voices for national impact. Whether wanting to eat less meat, grow more vegetables or reduce waste, there is a Wild Christian journey for everyone! To explore more click here >>

Eco Church This Month

Eco Tip Of The Month – July is the perfect time to host a Weeding Party! Want to join in with others to learn top tips? Ashburnham Place are holding their Weeding Party on 15th July. Find out all about it in our Monthly Eco Tips here>>

What is A Rocha?

A Rocha is a global family of conservation organizations working together to live out God’s calling to care for creation and equip others to do likewise. Explore more about A Rocha and the resources they have to help St. Michael’s here >>