Children & Youth Sunday Services
At St Michael’s we have a vibrant and fun Children & Youth team and community! There are many activities for children and young people from 0-14 years old.
Every Sunday at the same time as the morning service children join together in our church halls for Sunday School. On the first Sunday of each month we also have an inclusive All Age Service for all the children to stay in the service to celebrate and worship with us.
For 0-3 year olds we run a Creché almost every Sunday, including the All Age Services. This is a wonderful space for babies to be entertained and for toddlers and small pre-schoolers to explore and feel comfortable in the church environment. Parents can either stay with their little ones or return to the service. The service can be heard through speakers in the Creché room, or it is a nice time to connect with other parents.
Climbers and Explorers
Climbers, for 3s to 7s and Explorers for 7s to 11s meet in the church and then go to their groups in the halls after the first 15 minutes of the Sunday morning service. Lots of arts, crafts, story times and games to explore Bible stories and themes!
If you are a young person growing up in the church or are interested in issues of faith then this group is for you. We meet during the service three Sundays a month and with a hot chocolate in hand we play games, watch video clips and have discussions exploring what it means to live as a Christian.