Giving To St Michaels

We seek to be generous and to bless others as well as to care for our community. God’s work at St Michael’s is funded entirely by the congregation.

At St Michael’s we do not take a collection during the service. However, most of our church members do give on a regular basis and have set up planned giving to St. Michael’s via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). 

Using the Parish Giving Scheme saves significant work for the Treasurer team and is reliable, trustworthy and effective.

To make a regular or single gift to St Michael’s, please go to:

It is prudent to make a will in adulthood, and we encourage members to make legacies in their will and consider making a legacy to St Michael’s as part of that process. The treasurers can advise on how best to do this.
Bank details: PCC of St Michael’s SE3, 40.52.40, 00025838