
We love meeting together as a Church Community! For our regular groups see below, and please do email the church here if you would like to know more…

Weekly Activities

Monday – Home Groups

Tuesday – Home Groups

Wednesday – The Spire 1:30pm; Children’s Choir 4pm; Home Groups

Thursday – Home Groups

Friday – Friday Mum’s Group 10am; Saints Youth Cafe

Saturday – Mens Group

Sunday – Sunday Services & Music Groups


Our Home Groups are central to our life as a church family. They are one of the primary places where we can grow together in Christ, and support, serve and encourage one another in the Christian life. They give us the opportunity to get to know other members of the church family at a much deeper level than is ever possible on a Sunday. Home Groups meet weekly or fortnightly in people’s homes, and there is also a mum’s group that meets on Friday mornings in the church hall.

Anyone can belong to a home group. They are an excellent way to get to know a smaller group of people well and to develop our Christian faith together in a more relaxed atmosphere. Groups are of mixed age and are for those who are journeying, not those who have arrived.

Friday Mums’ group

Friday Morning Mums is a welcoming and informal group for mothers of children of primary school age and younger. With young children it can be hard to get out to a home-group in the evening, so we meet during the day, just after the school drop-off!

We meet for bible study, prayer, a cup of tea and a chat on Friday mornings during school term time, from 9.45-11.00am, in the small Musa Room in the Church Halls. Babies and pre-school children are welcome too – there are toys for them to play with while we talk. To find out more, contact Carolyn through the Parish Office.

The Spire

At home? Want a break? Need a change of scene? ‘The Spire’ is a weekly community space for local people.

The Spire is a supportive group meeting most Wednesdays at 1.30. Depending on the weather, we meet either at Greenwich Park top gate and go for a walk, or meet at the church hall for tea and chat, board games and pilates led by an experienced teacher.

Contact Louise Johnson on if you are interested in joining the group

Do come and join us! Invite your friends!

Mens’ Group

The St Michaels Men’s Group meets about every 6 weeks or so. The evenings are centred around a meal together in someone’s home then an after dinner topic is discussed. Attended by 20+, the evenings are lively, interesting and often very funny. Recent topics have included Desert Island Discs, Room 101, My Perfect Day and A Moment that Changed Me……

Interested? We would be delighted to welcome new members. To find out more, contact Bill or Hugh through the Parish Office.


In all our music in church our aim is to give glory to God and to enable us to join together in worship. The current music group which leads the musical worship most Sundays is a collection of volunteers, young and old, experienced and novice, who seek to use their talents for God in this way. The wonderful St Michael’s organ still resounds as often as possible and the combination of electric piano, guitars, woodwind and strings supports our diverse range of worship songs and hymns.

If you would like to be involved in the music at our regular Sunday worship, either as a musician or singer, please contact

Saints Youth Cafe

This is both a safe space for year 7-9’s to be together, have fun and hang out on a Friday night and a great place for young people year 10-13’s to volunteer and develop their leadership skills.

Visit our Youth page here to find out all we have at St. Michael’s for young people >>