Architecture Talk – Walter Gropius
Join the Blackheath Society on Wednesday 7th June at 7pm for an architectural talk on the visionary founder of the Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius.
One of the most influential pioneers of International Modernism, Gropius the architect and designer, will have his life examined by renowned authors Magnus Englund and Leyla Daybelge.
This talk will be hosted at St Michaels on 7th June at 7pm, where Magnus Englund will also be selling signed copies of the book.
Tickets are £10 (discount for students), including a glass of wine, and are available on Eventbrite:
From a penniless exile at the centre of England’s artistic avant-garde to founding member of the ‘The Architects Collaborative’ partnership, Gropius’ life exploration during this session is not one to be missed!